Sunday, May 2, 2010


Frozen Mint Tea Recipe

Or use this recipe to drink Hot Mint Tea
1 cup of fresh spearmint
2 family size tea bags
1 and half cups of sugar
one gallon of water

This is usually the only time that I use tea bags:
Use fresh tap water, never distilled water, 
 use cold water, never hot

Use one cup of fresh spearmint leaves, 
and two family size tea bags

In a 2 quart sauce pan,  I use an enamel sauce pan, with a glass lid. I took off the knob handle of the glass lid, it lets the steam come through like a tea kettle. 
Bring to a rolling boil, keep covered and steep for five minutes at least.
 I like to let the mint tea steep eight minutes.

Add enough fresh cold tap water to your gallon pitcher to dissolve the sugar

Add 1 and half cups of sugar
Stir until sugar dissolves
Strain out the spearmint, and remove the two tea bag from your sauce pan
Add your steeped  mint tea liquor to the gallon pitcher and finish filling with tap water.

After the Mint Tea cools, you can fill old clean plastic milk  jugs and freeze.
To serve cut open the top of the milk jug, 
and add to your punch bowl. 

See the frozen Mint Tea in the Julep Cup